Sunday was Mother's day here in Norway. And it was time for dad and Sebastian to give mommy a special breakfast.
We started off early this morning, as Jr. here thought sleeping to 06:00 was more than enough for any one.
So what better to do than to start off with the usual breakfast, then start baking? As usual, Jr. wanted to join in on the baking, and especially cleaning the ladle when dad was done with the mixing. A serious job, as you can see.
But Jr. did not only help daddy clean, he was the "chief" stuffer of chocolate bits into the rolls. God knows how many he managed to stuff into hie own mouth instead of into the rolls. But he keeps track of these things (except daddy ;).
When the rolls were in the oven, we headed into the living-room, and created a Mother's day card for mommy. Dad helped out on the big drawings, but Sebastian managed the coloring all by himself.
When knew mommy was awake when we heard sounds from the bed-room. So we hurried off to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for her. Sebastian carried the card and the rolls, and dad took care of the warm stuff (called coffee). We all had a cozy snack in bed. if only all Sundays were as fun as this one... Sebastian was exhausted after a long day (which included playtime in the garden, and visitors for dinner).
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