Last x-mas we got "the perfect gift for new parents": A gift certificate from a cleaning company.
It's no secret to anyone who has had a baby, how hard it is to keep the house clean with a baby in the house. Not that cleaning is a priority when you’re trying to cope with all the new things in life, but we have noticed the lack or up-keep lately. We have been holding on to the certificate for a few months, just waiting for the right time to use it. This week was it :) We're having a little get together this week-end to celebrate Sebastian, and we thought it would be nice to have a clean house to invite people home to.
Boy do love that check! 2 cleaners showed up, and they stayed for 2 hours. Professionals really know how to do their job. The house was shiny and spotless, and an absolute joy to come home to after work. It only took Luna 5 minutes to mess up the living room floor of course, but we'll manage to keep it clean over the week-end.
The picture in today’s post, by the way, was taken this evening. Just before his final bottle and bed-time. He is such a good kid now. Almost smiling all the time, and especially when you talk to him. He has just discovered how fun it is to sit on his own. It is hard to describe how excited he is when he manages it by himself, or the look on his face as he realizes how much more mobile (and the reach of his arms) he is when he is not on his back. But it is easy to tell he is going to be a handful when he starts to move around.......
That’s all for now ;)
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