
Jun 14, 2010

I believe this flower is called Lilac in English ("Syrin" in Norwegian). We have a tree in the garden, and it smells wonderful the last few weeks of May, and in the beginning of June. The only "problem" with it, is how it wants to spred to the rest of the garden.

It's also a pretty flower to look at, and to practice taking pictures of.

I have no Idea what the other plant in this post is called. But it is really decorative in the garden.
The weekend passed by as most weekends do these days. And we've had a lot of fun with Jr. He's been a real sunshine this weekend, even though the weather kept us indoors most of Saturday.

We compensated for this on Sunday, and spent many hours in the sun, doing all kinds of stuff :)

Now it's night time, and Jr. is sleeping tight. Mom's watching a movie, and dad is going through photos and posting to the Blog.

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