The summer is almost at an end, but the weather is still with us. This weekend has been awesome, and we have done everything we can to make the most of it.
Saturday we packed our bags and headed for Våge, Tysnes. Tysnes is an island south of Bergen. If your timing is right, you can get there in just over an hour. Some of our friends have a "cabin" there (more like a small house if you ask me ;), and invted us over for some fun in the sun.

It was a great Saturday by the sea, and we had our hands full keeping the little ones out of the water.
But everything was just like I like to remember summers from when I was young. Sun, Blue sky, the smell of the sea, the smell of BBQ, the tickling grass between my toes and a slight sunburn by the end of the day.
And I hope Sebastian gets to remember his summers the same way.
But enough about me. Sebastian seemed to have a great time, spite a tiny summer sniffle. He really enjoyed himself down by the pier, where we threw small stones into the water. "Splosj!" he shouted, every time a stone hit something (mark: "somethingW was occasionally the pier, another stone or his head ;)

Sunday, the weather was even better (We had to turn on the fan at night. That's a first this summer).
We decided to let Jr. have "quiet" day home, and spent it well. First there was a jungle to attend to, and I am happy to say it now looks more like a garden again. After a few hours of law-mowing and hedge-trimming, we fired up the BBQ and had a long and great meal in the sun/shade.

I didn't spend too much time behind the camera, but I wanted to share these moments with you (There are a few more of Sebastian in his album @ photos.rundtomrundt.com). The ants you see in the last shot was taken in a hurry. I knew we had ants in the garden, but never knew they were the flying kind. Just as we were finishing the meal I saw this great swarm taking off from on of our plants. It didn't last for more than a few minutes, but yesterday was obviously the day for "migration" of the ants. I only regret not having a macro-lens. But I have uploaded the full size shot so can zoom into it.
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