I keep thinking of these days as "spring", but actually, I have to admit summer is upon us. I am not referring to the actual calendar, but the weather as it is where we live.
The daycare center held it's annual get together before the summer this week, and all the kids got to stay up late (pictures of Sebastian in his album). And just then it hit me. The kids were throwing of their hats (hence the photo here) and jackets. The adults (ladies) were forced to dig deep in their purses to find what was left of last years backup sunblock.
There was the wonderful smell of flowers and pollen in the air (It makes my nose runny, but I still like the smell). Some of the neighbors lit the bar-b-q and we just sat there, licking the sunbeams like we hadn't seen the sun for ages. And the children ran around, more noisy than ever, having a great time.
Yes! Summer is finally here (never mind the minor setback this weekend) to stay for a while. I'll do my best to make my family enjoy it :) And I hope you get to enjoy yours as well!
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