It was only a question of time before I found time to post a picture of Bybanen, Bergen's effort to become a green city. Although only phase 1 is completed (from downtown to my part of town) and the project is much debated, the turnout for it's first week on tracks have been enormous. People have been standing in line to try it out.
We were no different. And with a 2-year old in the house hooked on "Thomas the Tank engine" and "Chuggington", we just had to hop on boardand go for a ride. Sebastian had a trip of a life time (two actually, as it was a round trip). And when we finally got back home, all Sebastian repeated as he was put to bed was: "tougga tougga" (tog/train in his lingo, pretty close to "chugga chugga" ) with a big grin on his face.
Only time will tell if I get to use Bybanen on a regular basis. I know I should, but as long as Sebastian's day care center is where it is. It will be really difficult to get where ever I need to be on time.
This weeks everydaylife challenge is about transportation. I decided not to come out of my summer laziness and reuse this as my contribution :)
Have a great summer everyone!
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